Pocket Panda core values may revolve around a few fundamental principles that guide its operations and strategic decisions. These values not only define the company's identity but also shape its interactions with customers, employees and the wider community. Of course we also know that the impact we treat, customers and communities extends far beyond our operations, and I'm thinking about what we can do for them. When providing value to the world, further efforts are made to make our environmental work a force for good in people's lives.

2030 Carbon-neutral Commitment

We are committed to becoming Arizona's core solutions brand in refrigeration by 2030. From supply chain to product usage, we are a carbon neutral home cooling products company that minimizes environmental impact and promotes sustainability.

What We're Doing

BBQ Festival

As Independence Day approaches, in order to celebrate the vibrant dining culture of every state in the United States, the focus is on the beloved patio activities. In this July full of dining festivals, we have prepared barbecue tools and gifts for you. We have also prepared price reductions on cooling products.

labor day

Labor Day is right around the corner, the last long weekend of summer. We will collect product usage for you. After the first 20 people feedback the product, we will give away a purchase card worth $50.

Summer vacation activities

Join us for an exciting summer vacation extravaganza! As the temperature rises, we’ve planned a series of activities and promotions to help you stay cool and have fun. Whether you're spending time in your backyard, planning a garden party, or just relaxing on your patio, Pocket Panda has something special for you.

Our Supply Chain

Our products come from two different sources of supply, our own branded product (80%) and external branded products (20%). We understand the risks of multiple sources of supply and the added level of uncertainty to our operations which this adds. Whilst the majority of our work focuses on our own branded products, we do expect our branded supplier partners to meet the same standards.

Ethical Factories

We build strong, long term relationships with the best, ethical factories around the world. We also keep in consistent contact with the owners to ensure safe, lawful, humane, and ethical manufacturing practices.



We want our customers 100% happy.


We love our blue planet.


We care about each one of you (as well as) the whole human race.


We embrace the power of technology and design.

Social Improvements

Investing in Women's Empowerment: A Path to Sustainable Growth

Responsible Sourcing and Manufacturing

Less Water Waste

We rely on water. That’s why we are optimizing our current use of water.

Less Energy Waste

We find ways to consume energy more efficiently

Exploring Renewables

We always seek out opportunities to transition to renewable sources.

CO2 Offsets

We’re taxing ourselves for the carbon we do emit, and investing in carbon offsets.

Smarter Chemistry

We take rigorous approach to ensure the safety of chemicals used in our products.

Less Carbon-intensive Shipping

We’re also working to maximize ocean shipping, which is much less carbon intensive than shipping by air.